Can Apple Cider Vinegar Treat Vitiligo

White patches on the skin may become a cause of embarrassment. Medically this condition is termed as vitiligo.

What is vitiligo

Vitiligo is ivory white patches of any size on the skin that can appear at any part of the body. Although its cause is unknown, it is believed to be an automotive disorder where the immune system of the body is attacked the body's own cells that produce melanin.  This condition may run in families. It is triggered by stress, deficiency of vitamin B12, fungal infection or excessive exposure to sunrays. Low stomach acid is also associated with vitiligo.

How Apple cider vinegar helps to get rid of vitiligo

Apple cider vinegar is antimicrobial. It kills fungi that cause white spots. Regular ingestion of diluted apple cider vinegar half hour before meals promotes digestion.  Also, Apple cider vinegar is known to help with low stomach acid.

How to use apple cider vinegar for vitiligo

Never apply apple cider vinegar directly to your skin. You have first to dilute it. Take apple cider vinegar and water in equal amounts and mix them both. With the help of a cotton swab apply the dilution on the affected area. Repeat this 2 times in a day for a couple of months. You will find the change in the color of affected area, and the white patches will disappear soon.


Besides this, it is also recommended to take apple cider vinegar orally.  Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it half hour before a meal. Rinse your mouth properly after drinking apple cider vinegar dilution as acid may damage your enamels.

Besides, taking apple cider vinegar drink, you must also take care of your diet, manage stress and take vitamin B5 and HCl supplements.  Intake of sunflower seeds is also good as they are rich in tyrosine. Make sure to apply sunscreen on the area that is unpigmented before going out in the sun.

We hope you find our article helpful. If you know some other home remedies to get rid of vitiligo, do share with us.

Also see - this article for more benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.